What Are You Afraid Of?
What are the core things you want out of life that you are too afraid to go for?
What would your life be like if you went for it?
What’s the risk? What’s your WORST-CASE scenario if you fail fantastically? Then… what would you do to get back on track if this happened?
And what’s the reward? What’s the best-case scenario if you go for it and succeed?
Which one is more likely to happen?
Are you delaying your dreams because you are afraid of a vague, ambiguous future risk that you can’t even put your finger on? Or are you using that worst-case scenario as an excuse so that you don’t have to find out what you’re really capable of? Are you more afraid of being a “failure” than of actually failing itself?
Are you putting a minuscule or totally fixable risk ahead of a more likely and WAY more awesome reward?
Just DO it. Don’t overthink it. Once you’ve identified the possible results of taking action on your dreams, and estimated the likelihood of each of those scenarios coming true, and found ways to mitigate your risk and recover if you fail - then the only thing holding you back is your willpower.
If you still can’t push yourself forward, then perhaps you don’t really want it. In that case, stop fooling yourself and find a new dream - one you can really get excited about.